Employer Services

Harnessing the Potential of Senior Workers: What Employers Need to Know

With an aging population, the number of senior workers is increasing, and they bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. Senior workers can offer valuable insight into the organization’s operations, help to mentor younger employees, and provide a unique perspective on customer service.

In addition to their experience, senior workers often possess strong work ethics and a commitment to excellence. They are often willing to go the extra mile to get the job done, and their loyalty to the organization can be a great asset. Senior workers can also be a source of stability and consistency, which can be invaluable in a fast-paced and ever-changing workplace.

When it comes to harnessing the potential of senior workers, employers need to ensure that they are treated with respect and given opportunities to grow and develop. This can include providing training and development opportunities, allowing flexible working arrangements, and offering meaningful work. Employers should also recognize the value of senior workers and provide them with the same opportunities for advancement as younger employees.

By recognizing the potential of senior workers and creating an environment conducive to their success, employers can benefit from the wealth of experience and knowledge they bring to the workplace. Senior workers can be valuable assets to any organization with the proper support and opportunities.

Employer Services

Although the baby boomer generation is approaching retirement age, many have found it necessary to continue their participation in the workforce. Other seniors wish to remain in their jobs as they are healthy and engaged and continue contributing their skills and expertise. Still, others must re-enter the workforce and find challenging opportunities or the search process.

Employers strive to discover strong, experienced, and reliable employees; many have realized the value of employing mature job seekers in their organizations. Employment For Seniors works to bring qualified, skilled clients to the attention of employers through our job posting process. For more than 40 years, this valuable relationship with local employers has successfully matched qualified candidates to ideal opportunities. Employers have found success with mature job seekers who possess traits honed over the years in the workforce. These include lower absenteeism, low turnover, fewer mistakes, sufficient follow-through, intense loyalty to their employer, and a solid work ethic.

Employers needing a solid candidate pool can take advantage of EFS services free of charge. We provide:

Job Posting Services

To enhance their candidate pool by adding mature, qualified job seekers, employers can post their position(s) on the EFS website. Each job posting reaches thousands of EFS clients, providing ready access to qualified candidates in our community. The posting process (Post A Job) features each position for 30 days. Employers work with EFS staff to ensure the posting is complete and maintained appropriately. Employers can receive a solid pool of qualified candidates utilizing the EFS system instead of merely many applications.

Senior Career Expos

Each year, employers take the opportunity to meet with qualified, mature job seekers at the Annual Senior Career Expo. Employers recruit and attract strong applicants to their organizations by networking with hundreds of candidates. The Expo program includes a series of career workshops specifically designed to attract senior job seekers. The Expo successfully attracts qualified participants through its multifaceted program of recruiting, resource agencies, and educational programming.

Employer and Community Advocacy

A primary commitment of Employment For Seniors is advocacy for mature job seekers ~ assisting local employers with the information and resources needed to enhance their applicant pool. Advocating for senior clients also allows EFS to promote local employers and the value of joining their workforce. Such advocacy and guidance will continue to promote successful hiring and placement ~ success for employers, as well as for our clients.

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